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01 October 2005


Karen Bartholomew

I think the golden mean provides balance without symmetry. Symmetry bores me. Balance satisfies me.

And I say Darcy is to be commended for acknowledging Maria's input. To my mind, this in no way diminishes the work. Those who believe they accomplish great things entirely on their own are in denial. We are all influenced by others, and there's no shame in asking for input. Indeed,I, too, find that the BMI atmosphere encourages this kind of sharing and thereby nurtures the creative ideas its participants come up with.

This is my very first blog posting. I was a blog virgin until now. Thank you, Darcy!


Rémi Bolduc

Hi Darcy

Great site. I am looking at your last score. It's real nice. I got to go to my finale version and but those big bar numbers in the bottom of the score...
I meet Vince Mendoza in L.A. for a lesson last summer. He put on his score a full staff in the middle of the score just for his measure numbers...Really big numbers..Huge...
I have'nt figure out to do this on Finale...

Take care Darcy and whatever you do keep doing it because I hear your name everywhere..


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