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11 March 2006



"Since it ain't no music blog without regular "What I'm Listening To Now" posts"

Really? Damn, I never do any, maybe I should start.

*Both* Lizz Wright albums? Are they worth it?

While the Kneebody doesn't always gel, IMO, repeated listens increased my appreciation of it.

I have yet to get to Sufjan Stevens and "Semi-Formal" thrilled me on first listen, but I haven't been back for more yet.


yeah- I want to hear what you think of semi-formal... Not that I have a vested interest or anything.



My friend, singer Julie Hardy, played Salt for me in its entirely right when it first came out, and I was completely blown away by Lizz's voice and musicianship. As far as I'm concerned, she's the real deal. I haven't had the chance to sit down with Dreaming Wide Awake yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it -- regardless of whether or not I like the choice of material or the way it's produced, I always get a thrill from Lizz's singing.

Also, I should also mention at this point that I've been hired to write some orchestral arrangements for a concert with Lizz and the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra next year. This is a project I'm very excited about -- in fact, I pitched the idea to the ASO the day after I first heard Salt, and so it's very satisfying that it's finally come to fruition and I get to be a part of it.


Hi Ted!

The short answer is that I think Semi-Formal is totally killing, but I'd be happy to describe the precise contours of its killingness in a later post.


heya. from the list. Thanks for introducing me to Claudia Quintet. delicate.

That tortoise album, Slint's spiderland and The mercury program was a soundtrack for good strech of my life. And I have to admit Portishead. What can I do, I am sap for certain type of voice.

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