It seems the Bad Plus have thrown down the gauntlet. (We're finally in a blogwar -- does that mean this blog has truly arrived?)
I will attempt to muster a suitable reply. This may take some time -- I've got to prepare for my first lesson with Hollenbeck on Tuesday, amongst other things that need doing. In the meanwhile, why don't you pass the time by playing a few clips from Bob Belden's video collection? Some amazing stuff, including relevant footage of '70s Miles gigs.
See also this great video collection (via Mwanji), and also this Berlin '73 clip (scroll down) courtesy of Paul Tingen, author of Miles Beyond.
[N.B. For some reason, Paul's video file has an extra ".txt" extension at the end, which makes things go all pear-shaped -- but if you download the file to your HD first, then remove the ".txt" from the filename, all is well.]