Avast, me hearties, thar be the Pirate Party:
In Sweden, a new political party is pushing a platform that would abolish patents and free creative works from copyright protections after five years, instead of the 50 to 100 years typically associated with a creator's exclusive rights.Politically, the only issue that unites members of this fledgling party is intellectual property protection; on all other debates, they agree to disagree, or not.
Leaders of the Pirate Party - that's what they are calling themselves - admit that their most likely accomplishment is raising awareness of alternatives rather than changing the world all at once.
"Overall, today's copyright does not strike a balance between the creator's interest in regaining an investment on one hand and society's interest in creation of culture on the other," Rick Falkvinge, the party's founder, told the LinuxP2P tech blog. "The law is totally one- sided toward the creator's interests, preventing the spread of culture."