On Ran Blake's website, there is a new video (Safari users control-click and select "Download Linked File") of Ran playing solo piano in his apartment near Coolidge Corner in Brookline, MA. Amazingly, the lights are left on and Ran even allows the camera to show his hands occasionally. (For best results, someone ought to plant a hidden night-vision camera near Ran's piano and capture his playing when he thinks no one is listening... )
Ran starts with one of his own, the classic "Horace is Blue," then moves on to a medley of themes from Bernard Herrmann's score for Vertigo -- vintage Ran Blake, in other words. If Ran's abbreviated appearance at The Stone last month left you hungry for more, check out the video.
Thanks for posting this. I was entranced by "The Newest Sound Around" all over again just a couple of nights ago.
Posted by: mwanji | 08 April 2006 at 05:47 AM