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21 April 2006



Wow, Darcy. I'm quite floored, to be honest. "Induction Effect" is stellar, as are "Desolation Sound" and "Perils of Empire" (all that I've listened to so far). I'm impressed at how well you meld 20th/21st-century classical music and rock into the setting. It honestly doesn't sound like a big band; more like a chamber group.


Stayed up late last night listening to this one again.

"The Perils of Empire" seems to illustrate Karl Marx's "History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce:" an ominous first section, then an oom-pah topped by a southern Italian (?) melody.

I understand where David's "chamber music" comment is coming from. Even though there are a lot of sort-of-claves in the drums, bass and piano, the horns, and certainly guitar, are much more about mood and texture than rhythm.

I kept the NYT Brookmeyer article in mind while listening: I like that there are no heroic solos here and that you're accompanying the soloist all the time. Josh Sinton seemed particularly pleased about this: I love the slapping towards the end of his solo.

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