Seriously, WTF???
But in a larger sense, Gnarls Barkley is really just one person, and that person is Burton.[...]
What's atypical about Gnarls Barkley is that the star is Burton, even though he's barely visible onstage.
That's right -- the person who wrote all the lyrics and melodies, contributed all the lead vocals, came up with the record's unifying concept, fronts the band, and has been, you know, an actual star for over ten years is not in fact the real star of Gnarls Barkley, which is best described as an auteuristic Danger Mouse solo project.
I direct you once again to Mr. Jay Smooth.
Maybe it's CK putting words in his mouth, but DM seems happy to go along with an auteur/pygmalion role.
Posted by: mwanji | 21 June 2006 at 07:17 AM