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18 October 2006



Epic review! I particularly love the paragraph linking New York, classical sax and Ottowa.

Now I feel like I should discover Reich. I'd probably like it.

Martha Cluver

Can you switch the picture names of the female singers photo to John, Courtey and MARTHA, and the solo female singer photo to MARTHA? Someone got that switched up with Maggie. Thanks!


Hi Martha,

Apologies for misidentifying you in the photo captions! They are fixed now.

Martha Cluver

Thanks DJA!

Limor Tomer

Thanks for a thoughtful, thorough and spot-on review, Darcy. Next time you walk into a major museum with a professional camera, you might want to identify yourself and the blog you write for rather than looking like you just swallowed the canary and blurting "ah, I gotta blog." I am pretty sure the Whitney staffer would have recognized you and your blog and would have welcomed rather than hassled you.


Hi Limor,

Thanks for your positive appraisal of my review.

In regards to the photo situation, since I'm coming at this as a blogging musician and not a full-time professional critic, I'm afraid I'm a bit new to this whole scene, but it now seems clear I'm going to need to obtain explicit permission to take photographs in advance. So far, this hasn't been necessary, as it's been understood that if you invite a blogger to cover an event, they are going to want to take pictures. But obviously, it's better to hash this out in advance just in case.

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