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15 November 2006


Seth Gordon

Man, I'm sorry I missed that show. I was out of town most of that week, but it sounds like a blast. I've always thought Hemphill was underappreciated - Coon Bid'ness and Dogon are hands down two of my all-time favorites, to me they belong right next to A Love Supreme, Kind of Blue, and Mingus Ah Um.

Berne had Dogon posted for free as mp3s for a little while on his website - surprised no one has reposted them somewhere permanently at this point, and the whole lack of a CD thing is mind-boggling. Anyone know the reason? Maybe the master tapes went missing?


Hey Seth,

As far as I know, the master tapes have not been lost or anything like that. It's just that, for incomprehensible reasons, the people who own the rights to the recording have no interest in reissuing it, or in allowing anyone else to reissue it, or in selling their rights to the recording. In T.B.'s words, "they don't know what they have." He has tried to reason with them for years and years, but they keep stonewalling him and I think he's basically thrown up his hands at this point.

Hank Shteamer

hey Darcy,

thanks for stopping by and commenting on the Renoir. really wish i had been able to make this Hemphill thing. very jealous you got to hear "Dogon" done live; that beat is indeed pure sickness. and i have a new outlook on Pheeroan after having seen him tear it up w/ Cecil the other week. anyway, thx for the detailed report on this one.

word up,


I've been a big Pheeroan fan since I first heard him on Don Byron's Tuskeegee Experiments. The one downside of my hit in Cologne was that it had to happen the same week Cecil finally played with a rhythm section worthy of him. I hope those guys play again, soon -- I'm dying to hear them.

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