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27 February 2007


Ethan Iverson

Thanks for linking, Darcy!

Man, it was pretty weird playing "Anthem for the Earnest," looking over at Dave and seeing Stanley C. lurking back there. That was a pretty self-conscious moment!

In re: "My Favorite Things," I don't think I explained what we were getting at very well--it's about the improvising, not the tune. During the improvising on "Things," they don't play changes, just drones--there's no form with 11/V's. Actually, I haven't listened to the original on Atlantic in years (I just looked and don't have it anymore) but certainly on that song--which they played every night--the quartet could just explore. On the live at Half Note recording, McCoy even changes pedal points a little bit. That sort of idea is closer to what we do in TBP than a cyclical form with substitutions like on "But Not For Me," where you HAVE to play the changes for the music to make any kind of sense.

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