There's an interview with me in the inaugural issue of Steampunk Magazine, a magazine devoted to steampunk culture writ large. The first issue devotes itself to "Putting the Punk back into Steampunk" and it's a honor to be included among such august company as the legendary Michael Moorcock, singer-songwriter/builder of insane mechanical instruments Thomas Truax, and the theatrical industrial band Abney Park -- all of whom have a much more legitimate claim to the "steampunk" appellation than I do. Other features also include pieces on musical instruments both exotic (the glass armonica) and theoretical (the pyrophone, which is exactly what it sounds like), as well as a nifty how-to tutorial on electrolytic etching. Plus fiction, essays, and such.
The magazine is being offered as a free PDF download, or you can order your very own dead-tree copy (or in this case, recycled dead tree) at cost ($3) -- I just received my very own hard copy and I highly recommend going that way. Second-best would be to print the PDF and read it offline. And yes, of course you could technically just read the PDF from your computer screen, but really, how punk would that be?