SETLIST - SET 2 (click to listen/download)
1) MP3: Transit (excerpt)
Solo: Ingrid Jensen, fluegelhorn
2) MP3: Desolation Sound
Solo: Sam Sadigursky, soprano sax
3) MP3: Induction Effect
Solo: André Canniere, trumpet
4) MP3: Chrysalis
Solo: Erica vonKleist, alto flute/soprano sax
5) MP3: Habeas Corpus
Solo: James Hirschfeld, trombone
6) MP3: The Perils of Empire
Many, many thanks to those who came out for our Jazz Gallery debut. Your support is quite literally what allows us to keep going. My appreciation for your contribution to this nefarious enterprise knows no bounds.
I'm afraid that the first set of the evening is preserved only in the memories of those who heard it, as unbeknownst to me, the freshly-charged batteries on my recorder died almost the instant I turned it on. The good news is that the second set captured almost in its entirety -- the recording begins in medias res on "Transit," but after that everything is represented in full. (For the curious and/or the obsessive completists, the Set 1 setlist is reproduced below the fold.)
Our next gig will be a very exciting big band double-bill at the Bowery Poetry Club on May 19. Kyle Saulnier's Awakening Orchestra will kick things off at 7:00 PM sharp, and the Society will follow at 8:00 PM. It's also my birthday (observed), so please join us as I do my best to age loudly and gracelessly.
SETLIST - SET 1 (not recorded)
1) Flux in a Box
Solo: Rob Wilkerson, alto sax
2) Phobos
Solo: Mark Small, tenor sax
3) Drift
Solo: Mark Small, tenor sax
4) Ritual
Solo: Ryan Keberle, trombone; Sebastian Noelle, guitar
5) Lizard Brain
Solo: Josh Sinton, bari sax