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11 June 2007


Steve Smith

I scored fifty percent, but with a big Roger Maris-style asterisk.

I got The Dark Keys just by recognizing that the drummer couldn't be anyone but Tain -- although I admitted to Ethan that I could barely imagine Branford playing that hard, then or now.

The Bley trio was a no-brainer for me, although I guessed that it was that group's first record (Time Will Tell) and not their second (Sankte Gerold) because I knew that the latter came out in 2001. I had no idea it had sat on a shelf for FIVE YEARS.

Zimmerli stymied me: I was hearing Monder as Kelvyn Bell, of all people, and the congas really threw me.

And since I didn't really start listening to Kurt Rosenwinkel's post-Human Feel stuff until Heartcore and Deep Song, I'm embarrassed to confess that I thought the last track must be from Reid Anderson's The Vastness of Space.


Good post. I found little information on the biographies of Miles Davis. Maybe someone will be interesting.

Reuben Radding

I got 3 of the 4. The only one I missed was Branford. Watts' drumming is so totally Elvin-damaged on that track, and Branford's Joe Hendersonisms had me scratching my head. The 90's ADATey sound didn't help matters much.

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