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To: MTA, NYC Transit and Elected Officials We, the undersigned, call for the restoration of express service on the F line to Brooklyn and extension of the V line for local service to Brooklyn.Increases in the commuting population in Brooklyn have taxed the transit infrastructure, and the plan for Congestion Pricing in Manhattan will further add to the stresses on subway commuters. Enhancing transit service in the outer boroughs is vital to the quality of life in our rapidly growing communities and to the feasibility of any congestion pricing plan.
Currently, along the F line in Brooklyn, a set of express tracks lie unused while the local service gets more and more crowded. In addition, the V line currently stops at 2nd Avenue in Manhattan, resulting in near-empty V trains through Manhattan, while F trains are packed. It is past time to restore express service on the F line, and to extend the V line out to Brooklyn making local stops along the F line. The infrastructure exists to support a local and express on this line, analogous to the A and C trains on the 8th Avenue line. This will have the combined benefits of shorter commute times for those commuting from further out in Brooklyn, and more breathing room for commuters closer to Manhattan (Carroll Street, Bergen Street, Smith and 9th).
The MTA must act now to embrace increased ridership with increased service. Putting unused infrastructure to work in Brooklyn is a great start. To the extent that the upcoming rehabilitation of the Culver Viaduct interferes with express service beyond the Gowanus Canal, the rehabilitation must be fast-tracked to allow restoration of express service as soon as possible.