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13 January 2008


M. C-

I am sure that the gentleman who asked the question about increasing "appreciation" of jazz fucking loves Ellington and Mingus every bit as much as I do.

just pointing out that it took a couple reads for me to parse that sentence the way you intended.

congratulations on the tour! i'm coincidentally wearing my secret society shirt as i type.


Congratulations, Darcy! I'm so proud of you! You made the impossible happen- a big band tour financed entirely independently. As someone who graciously gives away his recordings at no charge, you deserve that success!

I'm not at all surprised that your band recieved a standing ovation but your account of it brought tiny tears to my eyes! I have no doubt that you inspired tons of young musicians out there and hopefully woke up some of the older ones to the magic that is still happening in jazz. As a memeber of the jazz (and big band) community that you represented, I say Thank You! Well done!



Let me tell you, jazz fucking is always appreciated. (I've added quotes to clarify the syntax.)


Thanks so much for your too-kind words. I look forward to hanging out now that I'm back in town.


Darcy, It was great to meet you following the blogging panel at IAJE. I don't think you came off as a pouncer with your comment about appreciation vs love - in fact from the smile on "appreciation" man's face I'd say he knew exactly where you were coming from. I think all of us in the crowd responded to the passion of your response and I wholeheartedly agree with you. The necessity to foster visceral relationships with jazz in our listeners rather than continuing to project everything through an academic lens was a debate that came up repeatedly at the conference. My conclusion: fucking trumps studying every time.

matthew wengerd

"The necessity to foster visceral relationships with jazz in our listeners rather than continuing to project everything through an academic lens was a debate that came up repeatedly at the conference. My conclusion: fucking trumps studying every time."

now that sounds randy.

matthew wengerd


quite photogenic

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