A belated shout-out to [rasp] Teeeeee-o.
Kyle Gann reminds everyone that Teo was also a composer in his own right.
One of the saddest things I witnessed during my time at New England Conservatory came during a visit by Macero, who had been welcomed to the school as a guest artist. The concert in his honor was to include several of his orchestral works, to be performed by the NEC Orchestra. The students in this ensemble threw an abominable hissy fit at the idea that they be required to perform Macero's music, which they considered beneath them. They took their complaints to the Dean, and if I recall correctly, they had the backing of several classical teachers at the school. The concert went ahead, but you can imagine what the rehearsals were like.
Anyway, more obits here:
Ben Ratliff (NYT)
Phil Freeman (Running the Voodoo Down)
James Hale (Jazz Chronicles)
And via WMFU, a YouTube video: