Rachel Maddow is set to become the smartest host on the teevee machine beginning September 8.
This is indescribably awesome. I have been a huge fan of Rachel since she debuted on Air America Radio in early 2004, and her radio show is the only remaining bright spot on the rather dismal current AAR schedule. She has, by all accounts, done a formidable job as a regular commentator on MSNBC's Race To The White House and as a fill-in host for Keith Olbermann, so I could not be happier that her talent, intellect, and political acumen are actually being rewarded. This is, erhm, not the way things usually work.
The only drawback is that I personally do not have access to the cable teevee. But those of you who do can look forward to an unadulterated dose of anti-bullshit every weekday at 9 PM on MSNBC. For my part, I am selfishly glad to hear that Rachel's radio show will continue as well. (Remember, everyone needs to subscribe to the podcast of The Rachel Maddow Show on AAR.)