I'm skipping the debate tonight to catch Lee Konitz at the Jazz Gallery, but I am definitely watching the replay online. If Obama really has a six-point lead in North Carolina, John McCain is in a world of trouble. But let's not pull a DeSean Jackson here — a lot can happen between now and Nov. 4.
Today I signed up with MoveOn to go to Pennsylvania to get out the vote on Election Day. I encourage everyone to get involved, esepcially if you are in or near a battleground state. After all, even if this election does turn out to be a blowout of epic proportions, don't you want to play a part in that?
Please also allow me to draw your attention to the following Obama benefit concert at LPR this Friday, featuring Brad Melhdau and Chris Thile, both of whom will be performing some classical rep alongside their own works. All proceeds will go towards ensuring that the next President and Vice President of the United States are both responsible adults. Some of you will be too young to remember the last time that happened, but trust me — it's good.