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27 April 2010


Ian Welsh

Fascinating. I don't know 2/3rds of the people or bands involved, but you make it sound like fun. Better luck next time, if only so you get a gig in Toronto, so I can see and hear you. :)

Jeff Johnston

That was a fun read. Congrats on the nomination Darcy and if you ever feel the urge to hit my hometown again
let me know beforehand. I can hip you to the best places/people/hangs etc. (for instance...tongues are WAY better than cheeks)..cheers


Hi Jeff,

St. John's trumpet player Patrick Boyle actually hipped me to cod tongues, and I totally wanted to try them, but all my attempts to do so were foiled. Man, do restaurants close early in that town! The telecast on Sunday wrapped at around 10 PM and I figured, at least on JUNO night, places would stay open to take advantage of the thousands of people streaming out of the Mile One Center looking for a place to eat. This did not happen, for some reason -- almost everywhere we tried was already closed.

We ended up at a place called Aqua, which had the cheeks but no tongues. Still delicious, though!

Kai Weber

I'm sorry to hear you didn't make it. I have never heard of Charles Spearin's Happiness Project before, but what you wrote about it sounded interesting enough to let me follow the link. I was a bit astonished though that you didn't mention René Lussier's "Le trésor de la langue" - to me the highest achievement in the spoken-words-transformed-into-music approach. And I thought this would have been an obvious reference also because it is done by a Canadian musician. But anyway, thanks for the informative and interesting article here!

Mr. Mayhem

I'll be your swagger coach. (hint-- Step 1 is forget that you are Canadian.)

cbj smith


GREAT account of the Junos! I couldn't stop smiling all the way through. You mentioned the technical wizardry and the out-of-tune singing; I think there is a connection there. All the galas I have ever done involved endless lists of singers, all with their own special technical requirements that are essential to them being able to hear what they need to hear. We instrumentalists just blow (or finger) regardless, but a singer needs to hear perfectly, and if he or she can't then disaster ensues. I think that might be the explanation to the unfortunate "pitchiness" (c.f. Randy on American Idol, I know it's not a real word) of some of the performers.

Fantastic outfit, BTW, and I was unused to seeing you smile so much in photos. Lindsay is a foxy babe in addition to her intellectual attributes that I already know about from her website. I look forward to meeting her some day.

Congrats again on your nomination. Those are good for booking gigs too, don't forget!

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