A few days ago, I blogged about Sony's baffling decision to indefinitely suspend the release of the Miles Davis Cellar Door Sessions 1970 box set.
Well, since then, the Secret Society blog has obtained insider information from a reliable anonymous source close to the project. Here's what we have learned:
1) Internet speculation about Vince Wilburn, Miles's nephew, former drummer (1985-87) and currently the driving force behind the Miles Davis estate, is correct -- Vince is single-handedly responsible for holding up the release of this set.
2) The dispute has nothing to do with the music. It has to do with Vince's personal beef with the person who did some of the artwork for this set -- someone who also happened to be in Miles's band at the same time as Vince.
3) Sony do not officially require the approval of the estate to release the set, but they are trying to maintain good relations with the estate, so they are voluntarily suspending the release of the box until this dispute can be resolved. The estate receives generous financial compensation (over and above royalties) whenever one of these box sets are released.
So there you have it. What does this mean for the eventual release of the Cellar Door box? No idea. But would it be irresponsible to speculate? It would be irresponsible not to. Comment away.
UPDATE (Nov 16): Okay, fine, don't comment, then. See if I care. But I return bearing good news -- the Cellar Door set has a release date -- December 27. Of course, it's had release dates before -- hopefully this one sticks.
UPDATE AGAIN (Nov 17): Or is it December 17? So confusing.
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